Section 8. Containment of Stress and Future Pacing Positive Memories

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Section 8. Containment of Stress and Future Pacing Positive Memories. (36:4339:42). As the session begins to wind down, Frank offers stories that help to add containment to a difficult phase in every marriage, when the children are small and needy, and the young couple is stretched for resources trying to cope with the large changes that are happening in the young family. Stories illustrate that although such times are tense, they will offer precious memories, and their very containment in time means that the amount of sacrifice and suffering will seem minimal in the retrospective of a lifetime. This description of a future-pace of a future scenario is a way of bringing the client forward into a retrospective of a past not-yet-lived. At 38:29 he asks “Can you picture that in your mind?” and she nods acceptingly.

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